Adam Brouillette - Landscape Designer

Landscape Industry Since: 2005
Signature Landscape Since: 2020
Adam grew up in the town of York in south-central Nebraska. He says he “got the best of both worlds” with one side of his family being doctors and engineers, while the other side were farmers and nurserymen. Growing up close to Nebraska’s Platte River he became interested in the landscape industry through simple D.I.Y. renovation projects at his family’s cabins. Because of the surrounding prairies, wooded lakes, and changing weather, there were always repairs and preventative tasks to be done. He and his family attempted to control flooding by means of replicating natural systems with fibrous plantings, geo-matting, and/or reinforcing by a series of stone retaining walls.
He started his education in landscape during high school working for Faller’s Nursery in his hometown. There he learned plant propagation and basic residential landscape design while implementing simple planting schemes and retaining/hardscape solutions. In college, he began working with Hawks Field in Haymarket Park (Lincoln, NE), performing baseball field maintenance and landscape duties around the ballpark. Later in college he began work studies that led to him travelling to Ecuador in South America. There he performed and lectured case studies on determining and preserving heritage sites within the heart of the historic downtown for potential development techniques and best management practices.
After college, he began designing and installing landscape projects for friends and family that escalated into a full-time operation “by word of mouth.” Most of his projects were residential landscaping and lakeside retaining walls. Many of the properties dealt with water runoff and floodable environments resulting in his greater understanding of hydrology and drainage systems.
In 2020 Adam moved to Kansas City and joined the Signature team as a Landscape Designer. Adam finds satisfaction in experiencing the design process and witnessing a plan being built. In landscape design, he has shifted his focus from the simple aesthetics toward functionality, performance, and purpose. His passions in the industry are Green Infrastructure and Best Management Practices. Adam believes a landscape has the power to not only provide a sense-of-place, but also enhance the quality-of-life.
Outside of work, Adam enjoys exploring parks and waterways, photography of micro/macro landscapes and weather, wood-working (furniture), cooking, movies, and performing any/all water sports during the summer. He has always been an avid traveler, experiencing varieties of different landscape types scaling from national forests of Vancouver, BC to urban pocket parks within crevasses of dense cities like New York City, Boston, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Chicago to name a few. His latest hobby is applying new and interesting methods to declutter, minimalize, and display his collections of random but interesting antiques and architectural salvage.